How to upgrade Gatsby from version 4 to version 5

By David Fekke
January 22nd, 2023

Upgrading to Gatsby 5 from version 4

Gatsby 5 was introduced at the end of last year. I decided to upgrade my site to Gatsby 5 from version 4. Upgrading Gatsby a major version can be complex, especially if you are using a lot of plugins. Here are the steps I usually take to upgrade to a newer version of Gatsby.

The first step is to upgrade the main Gatsby module using NPM or Yarn. I used NPM for this example:

> npm install gastby@latest

After running this command, you will also want to check for any other outdated modules. This can be done by using the npm outaded command. You should get output that looks like the following:

> npm outdated

Package                  Current   Wanted  Latest  Location
gatsby-plugin-sharp      3.1.2     3.1.2   3.4.0   test

You will need to upgrade the modules to the latest version. I also had to force the upgrade by using the --force parameter. You can also use the shortcut -f.

npm install gatsby-plugin-sharp@3.4.0 --force

Errors after upgrade

After finishing the upgrade I ran the gatsby develop command, but I got an error that looked like the following:


Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'gatsby-core-utils/create-content-digest' in

  ModuleNotFoundError: Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'gatsby-core-utils/create-content-digest' in '/Users/username/D

  - Compilation.js:2016

  - NormalModuleFactory.js:798

  - NormalModuleFactory.js:270

  - NormalModuleFactory.js:434

  - NormalModuleFactory.js:116

  - NormalModuleFactory.js:670

  - NormalModuleFactory.js:855

  - NormalModuleFactory.js:975

  - async.js:6883

  - NormalModuleFactory.js:958

  - Resolver.js:312 finishWithoutResolve

  - Resolver.js:386

  - Resolver.js:435

  - Resolver.js:435

  - DescriptionFilePlugin.js:87

  - Resolver.js:435

  - Resolver.js:435

  - Resolver.js:435

  - Resolver.js:435

  - DescriptionFilePlugin.js:87

  - Resolver.js:435

  - Resolver.js:435

  - DirectoryExistsPlugin.js:41

  - task_queues:81 processTicksAndRejections

not finished Building development bundle - 5.928s

I was able to resolve by installing the gatsby-core-utils module.

npm install gatsby-core-utils

After I made this change the site would run in development mode.

Upgrading GraphQL queries

Gatsby 5 has a newer GraphQL engine. One of the nice things about Gatsby 5 is that it will upgrade your GraphQL queries automatically, and it will show you how you can make those same changes to your queries.

Current query:

query blogListQuery($skip: Int!, $limit: Int!) {
    sort: {fields: [frontmatter___date], order: DESC}
    limit: $limit
    skip: $skip
  ) {
    edges {
      node {
        fields {
        frontmatter {

Converted query:

query blogListQuery($skip: Int!, $limit: Int!) {
  allMarkdownRemark(sort: {frontmatter: {date: DESC}}, limit: $limit, skip: $skip) {
    edges {
      node {
        fields {
        frontmatter {


After having done a few major version upgrades of Gatsby in the past, the 4 to version 5 upgrade has actually been one of the easier upgrades.

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