
This blog is dedicated to my musings and are strictly my own. I use it to write about all things software, hardware and aviation. The views and opinions on this site strictly reflect that of my own, and not my employer. At any point I can change my mind, and they may not even reflect my opinions from three minutes ago, so please don't take anything I say too seriously. Some of the software topics on this blog will probably include ColdFusion, C#, .NET Core, Node.js, Objective-C, Swift, Java, Kotlin, C++. As commercial pilot I will be writing about General Aviation, the Airlines, instrument flying, avionics, the Federal Aviation Administration and the TSA.
It has been just over five years since the event known as 'LeftPad Apocalypse'. In March of 2016 an NPM user removed their module 'Left-pad…
Time to read: 3 minute.
In a lot of the C based languages such as C#, Java and C++, a semicolon is required to end the line. JavaScript does not require the…
Time to read: 2 minute.
One of the powerful things about Gatsby is the way you can pull multiple sources of content from completely different areas into your site…
Time to read: 4 minute.
I have recently seen a bunch of different reports in the press about UAPs, or unidentified aerial phenomena. These used to be called UFOs or…
Time to read: 2 minute.
Not only does Apple Think Differently, they also like to name things differently as well. In languages like Java and C#, if you want to…
Time to read: 4 minute.
Monkey Patching is the capability in JavaScript to swap out a function in a JavaScript object with your own function. This can come in handy…
Time to read: 2 minute.
One of my favorite laws is Atwood's Law. Atwood's Law states: any application that can be written in JavaScript, will eventually be written…
Time to read: 5 minute.
I did a presentation a couple of years ago to JaxNode User Group about building your own tools. As a user it is very common to find yourself…
Time to read: 6 minute.
Building apps for the iOS/iPadOS and Android platforms may seem daunting if you are new to mobile development, but there are many different…
Time to read: 8 minute.
There are actually times when you want to use object inheritance in your applications. I have seen a lot of applications that extend a…
Time to read: 5 minute.