
This blog is dedicated to my musings and are strictly my own. I use it to write about all things software, hardware and aviation. The views and opinions on this site strictly reflect that of my own, and not my employer. At any point I can change my mind, and they may not even reflect my opinions from three minutes ago, so please don't take anything I say too seriously. Some of the software topics on this blog will probably include ColdFusion, C#, .NET Core, Node.js, Objective-C, Swift, Java, Kotlin, C++. As commercial pilot I will be writing about General Aviation, the Airlines, instrument flying, avionics, the Federal Aviation Administration and the TSA.
This article says that Toshiba and Sony are playing nice and will come out with dual format players. If it is true, it would be great news.
Time to read: 1 minute.
At the end of the keynote, Tim Buntel was brought onto the stage in a very dramatic fashion, as if he was being kidnapped. Tim annonuced…
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I try not to talk about my job on this blog, but I heard a rumor that I was no longer working at the job I actually work at, if that makes…
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I read on Ben Forta's blog that Tim Buntel is leaving Adobe. Ben says he is going to follow his true passion as an educator. I used to run a…
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Buck Woody at Microsoft pointed me to this article at MSDN. There are actually some handy tips in there relating to scaling and security…
Time to read: 1 minute.
I am a big fan of public APIs that are provided by web sites such as Google, Microsoft and Facebook. I think one of the reasons that twitter…
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Two of my co-workers, Henry Adam and Sai Kolla, turned me on to some new tools for testing Web Services. The first tools is called soapUI…
Time to read: 1 minute.
I just added two new powerpoint presentations to my main site. I try to make it a habit of posting the powerpoint presentations I use at the…
Time to read: 1 minute.
I try to avoid getting political on this blog, but I started noticing something alarming a couple of weeks ago with my inbox. I am receiving…
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If you are looking to hire experienced ColdFusion developers, I know two ColdFusion developers who have been working at NASA. Their…
Time to read: 1 minute.