
This blog is dedicated to my musings and are strictly my own. I use it to write about all things software, hardware and aviation. The views and opinions on this site strictly reflect that of my own, and not my employer. At any point I can change my mind, and they may not even reflect my opinions from three minutes ago, so please don't take anything I say too seriously. Some of the software topics on this blog will probably include ColdFusion, C#, .NET Core, Node.js, Objective-C, Swift, Java, Kotlin, C++. As commercial pilot I will be writing about General Aviation, the Airlines, instrument flying, avionics, the Federal Aviation Administration and the TSA.
For my day job I write software for iOS and iPad devices, but while I earn my living as a software engineer, I am also a FAA licensed…
Time to read: 3 minute.
One of the things I first came across when I started to work on legacy iOS applications was Method Swizzling. Swizzling lets' developers…
Time to read: 6 minute.
With the release of Node.js 16.9.0 comes a new tool called Corepack. is described as a zero-runtime-dependency Node script that acts a…
Time to read: 3 minute.
Note: This is a re-post of an article I wrote for Logrocket. You can read the original here When Swift was first introduced by Apple in 201…
Time to read: 6 minute.
Whether you are doing test driven development (TDD) or are just looking for a way to add automated testing to your express app, this can be…
Time to read: 5 minute.
One of the many popular applications that can be written using JavaScript and Node.js is a Bot. Bots can be thought of simple applications…
Time to read: 6 minute.
I am often amazed at some of the software that people write using JavaScript as the language. When JavaScript was first introduced in 199…
Time to read: 4 minute.
I will be doing a presentation to the JaxNode User Group on July 15th on the and feature in JavaScript. I have done some posts on and…
Time to read: 6 minute.
I was running into nasty crash whenever I tried to debug the WKWebView in one of my iOS apps. It is a common practice among developers to…
Time to read: 1 minute.
MDX is a hybrid of Markdown syntax and React JSX syntax. Authors who are writing posts in Markdown can use React components in their posts…
Time to read: 4 minute.