
This blog is dedicated to my musings and are strictly my own. I use it to write about all things software, hardware and aviation. The views and opinions on this site strictly reflect that of my own, and not my employer. At any point I can change my mind, and they may not even reflect my opinions from three minutes ago, so please don't take anything I say too seriously. Some of the software topics on this blog will probably include ColdFusion, C#, .NET Core, Node.js, Objective-C, Swift, Java, Kotlin, C++. As commercial pilot I will be writing about General Aviation, the Airlines, instrument flying, avionics, the Federal Aviation Administration and the TSA.
I will be speaking tomorrow at the Jax-js group on leveraging JQuery with ASP.NET MVC. The meeting will be at the Hash Rocket offices down…
Time to read: 1 minute.
I wanted to send a reminder about tomorrow's JaxMUG meeting. Mike Glass of Pocket Sevens will be giving a presentation on new features for…
Time to read: 1 minute.
I wanted to put a reminder out that the next JaxMUG meeting will be this Tuesday, October 30th at CoWorkJax. The meeting will start at 6:0…
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Thanks to everyone who came out to my presentation at Code Camp on Objective-C for .NET developers. I have added that presentation to my…
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It is only five days until this years Jacksonville Code Camp. I am going to be giving a presentation on Objective-C for C# and Java…
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I am going to be doing a presentation on developing for iOS devices at the Jacksonville Code Camp on October 6th. The schedule has not been…
Time to read: 1 minute.
Scott Guthrie's last blog post had details on Microsoft's new Azure websites. Some of the big improvements are a new shared tier hosting, A…
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From Ovi over at the Jacksonville Mobile Developers User Group: September 24th, Monthly meeting - Intro to Unity3D by Joel Hegeman What is…
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From JaxCodeCamp 2012; JaxCodeCamp 2012 - Mark your calendars for Saturday, October 6th, 2012!! It is that time of year again and JaxDUG is…
Time to read: 1 minute.
Michael Gidron will be speaking tomorrow on developing for Android at the JaxMUG meeting. This is part of a series of presentations on going…
Time to read: 1 minute.