Adding folders and files to Sharepoint document libraries

By David Fekke
January 21st, 2011

I am working on project now where we are creating reports and saving them to a document library in Sharepoint 3. I am automating this by using .NET code to create the subdirectories and files in the document library. I have not seen a lot of good code examples on how to do this on the internet, but this is how I am doing it in C#.

When I add a folder to the document library I used the following code;

SPSite mySite = new SPSite("http://sitename/");
SPWeb myWeb = mySite.AllWebs["mywebname"];

SPFolderCollection myFolderCollection = myWeb.GetFolder("http://sitename/sites/mywebname/PDF Reports").SubFolders;

To add a file from a filestream, I used the following code;

FileStream stream = File.Create("report.pdf", result.Length);

SPSite mySite = new SPSite("http://sitename/");
SPWeb myWeb = mySite.AllWebs["mywebname"];

SPFileCollection destFiles = myWeb.GetFolder("http://sitename/sites/mywebname/PDF Reports/FolderName").Files;
destFiles.Add("report.pdf", stream, true);

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