
This blog is dedicated to my musings and are strictly my own. I use it to write about all things software, hardware and aviation. The views and opinions on this site strictly reflect that of my own, and not my employer. At any point I can change my mind, and they may not even reflect my opinions from three minutes ago, so please don't take anything I say too seriously. Some of the software topics on this blog will probably include ColdFusion, C#, .NET Core, Node.js, Objective-C, Swift, Java, Kotlin, C++. As commercial pilot I will be writing about General Aviation, the Airlines, instrument flying, avionics, the Federal Aviation Administration and the TSA.
The next JaxFusion meeting will be on Tuesday, September 5th at Vurv. I will be doing a presentation on Fusebox 5 vs. Model-Glue framework…
Time to read: 1 minute.
The next JaxFusion User Group meeting will be on October 3rd, 6:30 PM at Vurv Technology in Jacksonville. The presentation will be on XML in…
Time to read: 1 minute.
The Florida Times-Union has a nice article on a Game and Mobile development program at the University of North Florida. The article talks…
Tags: Misc
Time to read: 1 minute.
I purchased a new car this weekend. It is an 08' Dodge Charger. The thing that really blew me away about this car was that it has a lot more…
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Just read this on Slashdot. I guess Flash will not be coming to the iPhone.
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The first meeting for the North East Florida CFUG is tonight at 6:30 PM. The meeting will be held at Ventureplex. See the previous post for…
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So I went to buy a new iPhone 3G on friday. After standing in line for two hours I was not able to buy an iPhone 3G. After getting to the…
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I have received a couple of comments recently about a Blog post I made about the death of JRun. Adobe is not the only vendor who has been…
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Congratulations to Barack Obama and Mike Huckabee for winning the Iowa Caucus last night. I was looking at their respective web sites last…
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I bought an iPhone. I said I was not going to do it. The selling factor for has been the browser. The browser is Safari which is based on…
Time to read: 1 minute.